The Great Leader of Russia

Foreign Affairs

    Peter the Great wanted Russia to become a European power. He went on lengthy journeys throughout the rest of Europe to discover how the rest of the European countries worked. He took a special liking to Amsterdam, which would be the basis of his city, St. Petersberg, once built. Peter befriended many foreign rulers and politicians including Swiss Francois Lefort. He was intrigued with foreign nations and brought inventions such as the astrolabe to Russia from Paris. Peter also wanted to increase trade by regaining access of the Baltic Sea by conquering Sweden. He succeeded and Russia gained a port. Peter also had dreams of conquering land around the Caspian Sea to gain the wealth of Asia. Russia lacked a warm water port and desired one greatly. Peter attempted to conquer the Turkish city of Azov. However, this battle was not won. From this, he had learned the importance of a fleet of ships. Though he surrounded Azov on all sides where there was land, the sea side remained open; in which Azov could regain supplies and help. Russia retaliated and won Azov on the 18th of July.